Tracy and the Sussex Police come up trumps for Cranleigh RDA
PCSO Tracy Bicknell saw the recent Countryfile programme about the work of RDA groups all over the UK who offer riding for those with special needs.
“This programme struck a chord with me”, said Tracy, “ because I rode myself for 20 years and know what wide ranging benefits and enjoyment riding can bring. And I have a longstanding friend, Liz Fidling, who works for Cranleigh RDA, a group offering riding to adults and children with special needs who come from all over Surrey and parts of Sussex. I know how much time is given by people like my friend Liz who volunteer to deliver the service. I wanted to help them. “
As a Police Community Support Officer with Sussex Police Tracy knew of their scheme to grant donations to local projects undertaken by charitable organisations in their area. The scheme is funded from the Police Property Act Fund. Tracy’s application under the scheme to support the work of Cranleigh RDA was successful !
On Thursday 24th October Tracy visited Casi’s Farm, home of the Group, to present a cheque for £500. And who should be there to witness the presentation but Cranleigh RDA volunteers including Liz Fidling and riders from the Queen Elizabeth II Silver Jubilee School in Horsham who benefit on a regular basis from riding with Cranleigh RDA.
Bellway Homes support Cranleigh RDA
Bellway Homes, is a major UK residential property developer building widely in Surrey and the South East in recent years and currently building new houses at Little Meadow in Cranleigh.
The company like to support local community groups and charities and in July Cranleigh RDA were very pleased to receive a donation from them, to be shared equally with RDA SE Region, of £625.
For Cranleigh RDA, a self supporting, self financing charity this is a most valuable injection of funds which will go towards meeting the relentless costs of the upkeep of its premises, site and nine horses in order to deliver the charity’s aim of offering the opportunity to horse ride to many Surrey and Sussex children and adults with special needs, for their better health and well being and for fun.